
Innovations in Residential Drywall: Eco-Friendly Options and Sustainable Practices

by Ontario Drywall |January 22, 2024 |0 Comments | Drywall

Innovations in Residential Drywall: Eco-Friendly Options and Sustainable Practices
With more people becoming aware of how building materials affect the environment, the building industry is embracing innovative solutions to create more sustainable and eco-friendly living spaces. In Ontario, where residential construction is thriving, homeowners and builders are exploring alternatives to traditional drywall to minimize their ecological footprint. In this blog, we will explore some of the latest innovations in residential drywall, focusing on eco-friendly options and sustainable practices.

Recycled Drywall Materials: Traditional drywall production involves extracting gypsum from mines, which can be energy-intensive and contribute to environmental degradation. A more sustainable alternative consists of using recycled materials. Manufacturers are now producing drywall with recycled gypsum and paper, reducing the demand for virgin resources. It conserves natural resources but also helps divert waste from landfills.

Low VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) Drywall: Indoor air quality is a significant concern for homeowners. Conventional drywall can emit harmful VOCs, which can adversely affect health. To address this issue, eco-friendly drywall options with low or no VOCs are gaining popularity. These products are designed to minimize off-gassing, providing a healthier indoor environment for residents.

Hempcrete Drywall: Hempcrete is an innovative and sustainable building material gaining traction in construction. Combining hemp fibres, lime, and water, hempcrete is carbon-negative and provides excellent insulation properties. Manufacturers are now exploring the incorporation of hempcrete into drywall products, offering a greener alternative for residential construction.

Prefabricated Drywall Systems: Prefabricated or modular construction has become a trend in sustainable building practices. Prefabricated drywall systems are designed off-site, reducing construction waste and promoting efficient material use. These systems also allow for more straightforward deconstruction and recycling at the end of a building’s life cycle, contributing to a more circular economy.

Energy-Efficient Drywall Additives: Innovations in drywall extend beyond the materials themselves. Some manufacturers are developing energy-efficient additives that enhance the thermal performance of drywall. By improving insulation, these additives can lessen the need for heating and cooling systems, which lowers household energy usage.

Waste Reduction Practices: Sustainable drywall installation involves using eco-friendly materials and implementing waste reduction practices. Construction teams can adopt strategies such as precise measurement, modular design, and recycling programs to minimize waste generated during installation.

The need for sustainable building techniques is increasing, and the residential construction industry in Ontario is witnessing a shift towards eco-friendly drywall options and sustainable practices. From recycled materials to innovative additives, these advancements contribute to creating healthier homes while reducing the environmental impact of construction. As homeowners and builders become more conscious of their choices, the future of residential drywall in Ontario looks promising, with a commitment to sustainability and a greener, more environmentally friendly construction industry.

A Fresh Look: Painting and Decorating Tips for Finished Residential Drywall

by Ontario Drywall |January 12, 2024 |0 Comments | Drywall

A Fresh Look: Painting and Decorating Tips for Finished Residential Drywall
Welcome to Ontario Drywall and Taping, where we believe in turning your house into a home. One of the crucial steps in achieving a polished and inviting living space is finishing your residential drywall. In this blog, we’ll explore some expert painting and decorating tips to enhance the beauty of your finished drywall and transform your living space into a haven.

Surface Preparation: Before diving into the world of colors and decor, ensure your drywall surface is adequately prepared. Sand any imperfections, fill in gaps or cracks, and prime the surface. A smooth and even canvas will provide the best results when applying paint and other decorative finishes.

Choose the Right Paint: Using the appropriate paint is crucial for a polished and long-lasting finish. Choose premium paints that are made especially for interior walls. Consider factors such as washability, sheen, and colorfastness. Remember that lighter colors make a room feel more spacious, while darker hues add warmth and coziness.

Experiment with Accent Walls: Inject personality into your space by creating an accent wall. To highlight a particular area, use a striking pattern or contrasting color. This simple yet effective technique can add depth and interest to your room without overwhelming the entire space.

Texture and Dimension: Play with textures to add dimension to your walls. Consider techniques like sponge painting, faux finishes, or textured wallpapers to create visual interest. These methods break the monotony of a flat surface and add a touch of luxury to your living space.

Embrace Decorative Molding: Enhance the elegance of your finished drywall by incorporating decorative molding. Crown molding, chair rails, and baseboards can add a timeless charm to any room. Choose molding styles that complement your overall design aesthetic and paint them in contrasting colours to make them stand out.

Lighting Matters: Remember to consider the impact of lighting on your painted walls. Experiment with different lighting fixtures to highlight specific areas or create focal points. Strategically placed lighting can accentuate the colors and textures of your finished drywall, elevating the room’s overall ambiance.

Accessorize Thoughtfully: Remember the finishing touches once the paint has dried and the decor is in place. Thoughtfully chosen accessories like artwork, mirrors, and statement furniture pieces can tie the entire room together. Consider your space’s color palette and style when selecting these items to ensure a cohesive look.

Achieving a fresh and inviting look for your finished residential drywall involves a combination of careful preparation, thoughtful color choices, and creative decorating techniques. Using the advice mentioned earlier, you can turn your living area into a welcoming haven that showcases your style and makes you feel at home every time you walk in. At Ontario Drywall and Taping, we’re dedicated to helping you turn your house into a home you’ll love.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Taping and Mudding Drywall

by Ontario Drywall |May 17, 2023 |0 Comments | Drywall, Tips

When it comes to taping and mudding drywall, it’s important to get it right the first time. Properly taped and mudded drywall creates a seamless surface that’s easy to paint and provides a professional look to any room. Unfortunately, many homeowners make common mistakes when taping and mudding their drywall that can lead to unsightly blemishes and even structural damage. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the most common mistakes to avoid when taping and mudding drywall.

Using the Wrong Tape: The type of tape used for taping drywall is important. Paper tape should be used for flat seams, while mesh tape is recommended for inside corners. Using the wrong tape can lead to bubbling, peeling, or even cracking.

Not Applying Enough Mud: One of the most common mistakes is not applying enough joint compound, or mud when taping. This can result in an uneven surface, which will require additional coats of mud and sanding to fix.

Applying Too Much Mud: On the other hand, applying too much mud can lead to bumps, ridges, and other uneven surfaces. It’s important to apply mud in thin, even layers and let each layer dry completely before adding another.

Rushing the Drying Process: The drywall compound needs time to dry between coats. Rushing the drying process by applying too much mud too quickly, using a fan, or trying to speed up the drying process with heat can result in cracking and other issues.

Not Sanding Properly: After applying the final coat of mud, sanding is necessary to smooth out any bumps or ridges. Failing to sand properly can result in an uneven surface and poor paint adhesion.

Not Priming Before Painting: Before painting, it’s important to prime the drywall surface to ensure proper adhesion and a smooth finish. Skipping this step can lead to peeling, chipping, or uneven paint coverage.

In conclusion, taping and mudding drywall require patience, attention to detail, and the proper tools and materials. Avoiding common mistakes like using the wrong tape, not applying enough or too much mud, rushing the drying process, not sanding properly, and not priming before painting can result in a professional-looking finish that will last for years to come. If you’re not confident in your taping and mudding skills, it’s good to hire an Ontario Drywall and Taping professional drywall installer to ensure the job is done right.

Plaster Walls vs. Drywall: Understanding the Main Differences

by Ontario Drywall |March 23, 2023 |0 Comments | Drywall, Tips

If you’re planning to renovate or build a home, you might be wondering what type of wall system to use. Two popular options are plaster walls and drywall. While they might look similar, there are significant differences between the two. Here are some of the main differences to consider when choosing between plaster walls and drywall.


Plaster walls are made from a mixture of gypsum, sand, and water. This mixture is applied in layers to a lath (a narrow strip of wood) to create a durable and long-lasting surface. On the other hand, drywall is made from gypsum board, which is a combination of gypsum and paper. It is available in large sheets that are hung on a framework of metal studs or wooden boards.


The installation process for plaster walls is more complex and time-consuming than for drywall. It requires skilled professionals who apply the plaster mixture in multiple coats and smooth it out to create a seamless finish. Drywall, on the other hand, is easier to install and can be completed in a shorter amount of time. However, it does require some skill to properly cut and hang the large sheets.


Plaster walls are known for their durability and resistance to cracking and damage. They can last for many decades and require minimal maintenance. Drywall, on the other hand, is more prone to damage and can easily crack or dent if it is hit or bumped. However, repairs are relatively easy and inexpensive to perform.


Plaster walls are excellent at soundproofing a room, as they are thicker and denser than drywall. They can absorb and dampen sound waves, creating a quieter and more peaceful environment. Drywall, on the other hand, provides some degree of soundproofing, but not to the same extent as plaster walls.


The cost of plaster walls is generally higher than that of drywall, due to the additional labor and materials required for installation. Drywall is a more cost-effective option, as it is easier and quicker to install. However, the cost of repairs and maintenance over time may be higher for drywall.

In summary, plaster walls and drywall have distinct differences in composition, installation, durability, soundproofing, and cost. While plaster walls are known for their durability and soundproofing capabilities, they require more skill and time to install and can be more expensive. Drywall is a more affordable and faster option, but is less durable and provides less soundproofing. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

Benefits of Having Drywall

by Ontario Drywall |December 20, 2021 |0 Comments | Drywall, Drywall Installation, Tips

Benefits of Having DrywallWant to give an elegant look to your space? Want to create more usable, finished space? Drywall is an awesome solution that can efficiently remedy these problems. Drywall installation is a budget-friendly and convenient way to enhance the value of your premises. Installing drywall can lead to several benefits like its reasonable price point. Giving yourself the opportunity to create a more functional space is an excellent perk.

  1. Easy To Purchase & Install: Drywall is one of the most popular building materials. It is a relatively light material and easy to install around existing fixtures like lighting and ceiling fans. It is much easy to purchase and affordable than plaster walls or paneling. Ease of installation and repair make it a wildly popular choice.
  2. Insulation Properties: When it comes to insulation, not many popular materials can compare to drywall. Does not matter how the weather at outside, it helps any room retain its temperature. It will not only make your space cozy and comfortable, but it will also reduce your power bill cost all year long. A competent drywall technician can explain further.
  3. Add Safety Features: Drywall has some helpful built-in safety features. You can choose this material to enhance the safety benefits. Installing drywall will make your space less susceptible to fire damage. It also creates a barrier that can slow the spread of flames from room to room. It can also lessen the amount of mold that grows between the walls.
  4. Easily Repairable: It is one of the greatest benefits that it can be easily repaired. The process of repair is easy and cost-effective. Even major damage can often be repaired by only impacting the affected area. Drywall will suffer wear and tear and scratch will occur. These drywall blemishes are super easy to fix.

Whether you want to install drywall in a new space or to add an extra layer to a wall or ceiling, you will love your refreshed look. Looking for drywall installation and repair services in Ontario, Ontario Drywall And Taping will assist you to increase the value of your space.